Thursday 14 June 2018

Facts about Sanitary Waste and how to destroy it

The cost of air, water and land pollution in dumping grounds is much higher than we think. Pollution due to non-biodegradable substances like the plastic in sanitarynapkin has caused devastating damage in the developing world. The toxic plastic from napkins leaches into the air causing harm to health and environment. We often talk about banning plastic, but imagine‘PERIOD’ without disposable sanitary napkins.

 How well do you know your sanitary napkins?
 The cellulose gel present in the napkins can cause severe health issues. A chemical called dioxin is used as a bleach to whiten the napkins. Odour neutralisers on the pads can cause skin irritation, yeast infection and a host of health problems. Furthermore, waste pickers have to clean and segregate waste depending on whether it can be recycled or not.Breathing disorders, gastrointestinal issues and chronic cough are a few of their common concerns.  A waste picker, who toils hard, quotes, ‘we work in this dirt and put our health at risk. We are definitely undervalued for our contribution.
Incineration – Long term sustainable solution
With the Swach Bharat Mission and other initiatives to keep the country clean, we have come a long way. Be it burning commercial or home waste, the incinerating technology is by far the best to manage sanitary wastes. In high temperatures, the napkin destroyers convert waste into ash and in seconds, you can get rid of a tonne of solid waste.

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